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Generate a trace

This application note details how to generate a trace.

This is especially useful to debug or to create a ticket for the help-desk .


/// @brief SPI debugging for screen
/// @details 1 = activated, otherwise 0; recommended = 0
On the hV_Board.h header file of the hV_Board_EXT3 library, set DEBUG_SPI_SCREEN to 1.

The option is activated by default on the Evaluation edition.

Proceed with a clean build of the project.


The trace is sent to the default serial UART port.

Open a terminal to display the serial port.

The trace is generated by the log system.


Below is an example of the output.

hV = Begin
hV = SPI at 8 MHz

hV - ePaper_EXT3_Advanced_Library.ino
hV - Nov  3 2023 16:18:16

hV -                  b_reset
hV = SPI at 8 MHz
hV - Screen iTC 2.66"-F -iH 152x296
hV - PDLS Fast v7.0.2

hV -          b_sendIndexData [00] 0e 
hV -               b_waitBusy      HIGH
hV -          b_sendIndexData [e5] 59 
hV -          b_sendIndexData [e0] 02 
hV -          b_sendIndexData [00] df 02 
hV -          b_sendIndexData [50] 07 
hV -          b_sendIndexData [50] 27 
hV -          b_sendIndexData [10] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... (5624)
hV -          b_sendIndexData [13] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... (5624)
hV -          b_sendIndexData [50] 07 
hV -           b_sendCommand8 [04] 
hV -               b_waitBusy      HIGH
hV -           b_sendCommand8 [12] 
hV -               b_waitBusy      HIGH
hV -           b_sendCommand8 [02] 
hV -               b_waitBusy      HIGH

hV = End
hV = Exit with code 0
hV = Loop