Basic edition¶
The Basic edition support global update and fast update, according to the screens. It provides all the functions for shapes and text. It is shared under Creative Commons - Attribution ShareAlike (summmary , legal code ).
Ensure the hardware and software configuration meets the requirements listed at the Used environment page.
Two procedures are available to install the library: using the Arduino IDE or downloading from the GitHub repository.
Launch the Arduino IDE and call the menu Sketch > Include library > Manage libraries…;
Search for
; -
Select the library and click on Install to install it.
Launch the Arduino IDE and call the menu Sketch > Include library > Manage libraries…;
Search for
; -
Select the library and click on Install to install it.
Open a terminal window;
- Perform the same procedure for the other variants,
from the PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Global repository ; -
Install the package following the procedure Installing additional Arduino libraries ;
Perform the same procedure for the other variants,
from the PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Fast repository ,
from the PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Touch repository ,
from the PDLS_EXT3_Basic_BWRY repository .
Launch the Arduino IDE.
Call the menu Tools > Boards… to select a board.
Call the menu File > Examples > PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Global > Common_WhoAmI.
Ensure the library is included.
#include "PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Global.h";
- Edit the line and set the correct screen and board.
Screen_EPD_EXT3 myScreen(eScreen_EPD_EXT3_271, boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040);
- Click on Verify or Build.
The screen should display
Select one of the boards;
Set the configuration of the screen;
Use the different graphics and text functions;
Refer to the reference manual for an exhaustive list of the functions with details of the parameters and returned values.