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File library

The file library allows to save the screen or a window on a file, and to load it back into the frame-buffer.

There are three options:

  • The BMP file option saves and loads a BMP file to and from the SD-card.

  • The portable pixmap file option saves and loads a portable pixmap file to and from the SD-card.

Everything is performed dynamically at run-time.

The header file needs to be included into an application statically at build-time and displayed at the next run-time.

To summarise,

Save to file BMP Image 16-bit image PBM
Screens All Fast All Fast
Screens All Monochrome All Monochrome
Save on SD-card SD-card SD-card SD-card
Save as BMP Header file Header file PBM file
Generated at Run-time Run-time Run-time Run-time
Read from SD-card Header file Header file SD-card
Included at Run-time Build-time Build-time Run-time

The BMP file on SD-card and the 16-bit image header file on SD-card libraries manage all the screens, including colour screens.

The image header file on SD-card and the pixmap file on SD-card only manage monochrome screens.



The file operations on SD-card require the external SD library library.

Ensure the external SD-card library is installed and properly configured.


Select one of the four options for the file library:

  • Save and retrieve screen content as BMP files dynamically at run-time on an SD-card;

  • Save screen content as images as header files dynamically at run-time on an SD-card to be included in an application statically at build-time;

  • Save screen content as 16-bit images as header files dynamically at run-time on an SD-card to be included in an application statically at build-time;

  • Save and retrieve screen content as portable pixmap files dynamically at run-time on an SD-card.