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Use two screens connected to the same host

This procedure explains how to use two screens connected to the same host.



Define two boards, one per screen.

  • The SPI signals, SCK, MOSI and MISO are shared.

  • The GPIOs for .panelBusy, .panelDC, .panelReset, .flashCS and .panelCS are specific to each screen.

  • The remaining GPIOs are set to NOT_CONNECTED.

const pins_t boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_0 =
    .panelBusy = 13, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 3 Red -> GP13
    .panelDC = 12, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 4 Orange -> GP12
    .panelReset = 11, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 5 Yellow -> GP11
    .flashCS = 10, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 8 Violet -> GP10
    .panelCS = 17, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 9 Grey -> GP17
    .panelCSS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 12 Grey2 -> GP14
    .flashCSS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3 pin 20 or EXT3.1 pin 11 Black2 -> GP15
    .touchInt = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 3 Red -> GP2
    .touchReset = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 4 Orange -> GP3
    .panelPower = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Optional power circuit
    .cardCS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board
    .cardDetect = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board

const pins_t boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_1 =
    .panelBusy = 9, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 3 Red -> GP13
    .panelDC = 8, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 4 Orange -> GP12
    .panelReset = 7, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 5 Yellow -> GP11
    .flashCS = 6, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 8 Violet -> GP10
    .panelCS = 21, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 9 Grey -> GP17
    .panelCSS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 12 Grey2 -> GP14
    .flashCSS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3 pin 20 or EXT3.1 pin 11 Black2 -> GP15
    .touchInt = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 3 Red -> GP2
    .touchReset = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 4 Orange -> GP3
    .panelPower = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Optional power circuit
    .cardCS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board
    .cardDetect = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board


Define two drivers, one per screen.

  • When using screens with different films,
#include "Pervasive_Wide_Small.h"
Pervasive_Wide_Small myDriver_0(eScreen_EPD_266_KS_0C, boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_0);

#include "Pervasive_BWRY_Small.h"
Pervasive_Wide_Small myDriver_1(eScreen_EPD_266_QS_0F, boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_0);
  • When using multiple screens with the same film,
#include "Pervasive_Wide_Small.h"
Pervasive_Wide_Small myDriver_0(eScreen_EPD_266_KS_0C, boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_0);
Pervasive_Wide_Small myDriver_1(eScreen_EPD_266_KS_0C, boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_1);


Define two screens, one per screen.

#include "PDLS_Advanced.h"
Screen_EPD myScreen_0(&myDriver_0);
Screen_EPD myScreen_1(&myDriver_1);


Ensure the host provides enough RAM for the frame-buffers.

Each screen creates its own frame-buffer dynamically at run-time with

static uint8_t * _newFrameBuffer;
_newFrameBuffer = new uint8_t[u_pageColourSize * u_bufferDepth];
s_newImage = (uint8_t *) _newFrameBuffer;

If this solution raises an issue, create the frame-buffers statically at build-time and pass them on to the constructors as parameters.

#include "PDLS_Advanced.h"
uint8_t frameBuffer_0[frameSize_EPD_266];
Screen_EPD myScreen_0(&myDriver_0, frameBuffer_0);

uint8_t frameBuffer_1[frameSize_EPD_266];
Screen_EPD myScreen_1(&myDriver_1, frameBuffer_1);


Each screen can have its own set of fonts. However, it is recommended to add the fonts in the same order for each screen.

fontSmall = myScreen_0.addFont(Font_DejaVuSans16);
fontSmall = myScreen_1.addFont(Font_DejaVuSans16);
fontSmall -= (fontSmall > 0) ? 1 : 0;

fontMedium = myScreen_0.addFont(Font_DejaVuSans24);
fontMedium = myScreen_1.addFont(Font_DejaVuSans24);
fontMedium -= (fontMedium > 0) ? 1 : 0;

fontLarge = myScreen_0.addFont(Font_DejaVuSans48);
fontLarge = myScreen_1.addFont(Font_DejaVuSans48);
fontLarge -= (fontLarge > 0) ? 1 : 0;


Use the two screens normally.


The example below helps to identify each screen.

// SDK and configuration
#include "PDLS_Common.h"

// Define variables and constants
// Boards
const pins_t boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_0 =
    .panelBusy = 13, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 3 Red -> GP13
    .panelDC = 12, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 4 Orange -> GP12
    .panelReset = 11, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 5 Yellow -> GP11
    .flashCS = 10, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 8 Violet -> GP10
    .panelCS = 17, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 9 Grey -> GP17
    .panelCSS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 12 Grey2 -> GP14
    .flashCSS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3 pin 20 or EXT3.1 pin 11 Black2 -> GP15
    .touchInt = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 3 Red -> GP2
    .touchReset = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 4 Orange -> GP3
    .panelPower = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Optional power circuit
    .cardCS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board
    .cardDetect = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board

const pins_t boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_1 =
    .panelBusy = 9, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 3 Red -> GP13
    .panelDC = 8, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 4 Orange -> GP12
    .panelReset = 7, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 5 Yellow -> GP11
    .flashCS = 6, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 8 Violet -> GP10
    .panelCS = 21, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 9 Grey -> GP17
    .panelCSS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 12 Grey2 -> GP14
    .flashCSS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3 pin 20 or EXT3.1 pin 11 Black2 -> GP15
    .touchInt = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 3 Red -> GP2
    .touchReset = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 4 Orange -> GP3
    .panelPower = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Optional power circuit
    .cardCS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board
    .cardDetect = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board

// Drivers
#include "Pervasive_Wide_Small.h"
Pervasive_Wide_Small myDriver_0(eScreen_EPD_266_KS_0C, boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_0);

#include "Pervasive_BWRY_Small.h"
Pervasive_Wide_Small myDriver_1(eScreen_EPD_266_QS_0F, boardRaspberryPiPico_RP2040_0);

// Screens
#include "PDLS_Advanced.h"
Screen_EPD myScreen_0(&myDriver_0);
Screen_EPD myScreen_1(&myDriver_1);

// Functions
void displayIdentity(Screen_EPD aScreen, uint8_t number)

    aScreen.gTextLarge(0, 0, formatString("%i", number));


// Add setup code
void setup()


    fontLarge = myScreen_0.addFont(Font_DejaVuMono48);
    fontLarge = myScreen_1.addFont(Font_DejaVuMono48);
    fontLarge -= (fontLarge > 0) ? 1 : 0;



    displayIdentity(myScreen_0, 0);
    displayIdentity(myScreen_1, 1);

    hV_HAL_log(LEVEL_DEBUG, "Regenerate... ");


void loop()