Fonts library¶
The fonts library contains three variants based on the DejaVu font:
Fixed Mono;
Proportional Serif;
Proportional Sans Serif;
sizes from 12 to 64;
very large sizes from 96 to 248;
standard and bold faces;
ISO 8859-1 or Latin 1 extended set of characters;
and are available
as header files statically at build-time; or
from an external SPI Flash dynamically at run-time.
Basic edition
The application note describes how to Use the font library with the Basic edition.
Displaying abcdefABCDEF123456
on a 11.98” colours panel.
Displaying The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
on a 11.98” colours panel
The font example displays all the characters available, below on a 7.41” colours panel.
See also¶
Define the fonts as header files statically at build-time
Define the fonts from an external SPI Flash dynamically at run-time