Pervasive Displays Library Suite - Reference Manual 9.0.7
Library for Pervasive Displays e-paper screens, extension boards and development kits
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Item Struct Reference

Item combines index and text for GUI elements. More...

#include <hV_GUI.h>

Public Attributes

uint16_t index
 index 0x1000..0xffff, 0x0000 is reserved for menu root
char label [16]
 text, up to 16 characters

Detailed Description

Item combines index and text for GUI elements.

item myMenuItems[] = {
{ 0x0000, "Menu 0" } ,
{ 0x1000, "Item 1" } ,
{ 0x1100, "Item 11" } ,
{ 0x1f00, "Item 1f" } ,
{ 0x2000, "Item 2" } ,
{ 0x2100, "Item 21" } ,
{ 0x2110, "Item 211" } ,
{ 0x2121, "Item 2111" } ,

Use setItem to convert a string into an item.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: