Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the documentation:
- d -
- debugConfiguration() : hV_Utilities.h
- debugMemory() : hV_Fonts_Manager.ino
- debugOTP() : hV_Utilities.h
- debugSector() : hV_Fonts_Manager.ino
- displayAbout() : EXT4_Matter_RGB.ino, EXT4_Matter_Weather.ino
- displayCenteredText() : Touch_TicTacToe.ino
- displayChannels() : Graphics_Channels.ino
- displayCharacters() : Common_Text.ino
- displayClock() : Graphics_Clock.ino
- displayCommissioning() : EXT4_Matter_RGB.ino, EXT4_Matter_Weather.ino
- displayContrastsBWRY() : BWRY_Contrasts.ino
- displayDecommissioning() : EXT4_Matter_RGB.ino, EXT4_Matter_Weather.ino
- displayFonts() : Common_Fonts.ino
- displayForms() : Common_Forms.ino
- displayIdenfication() : EXT4_Matter_RGB.ino, EXT4_Matter_Weather.ino
- displayOrientation() : Common_Orientation.ino
- displayPalette() : Common_Colours.ino
- displayPersistent() : Common_Persistent.ino
- displayQR() : EXT4_Matter_RGB.ino, EXT4_Matter_Weather.ino
- displayTouch() : Touch_Draw.ino
- displayValue() : EXT4_Matter_RGB.ino, EXT4_Matter_Weather.ino
- displayWhoAmI() : BWRY_WhoAmI.ino, Common_WhoAmI.ino, EXT4_ScreenSizes.ino, EXT4_WhoAmI.ino
- drawGameOverScreen() : GUI_TicTacToe.ino, Touch_TicTacToe.ino
- drawGameScreen() : GUI_TicTacToe.ino, Touch_TicTacToe.ino
- drawMovePlayer() : GUI_TicTacToe.ino, Touch_TicTacToe.ino
- drawStartScreen() : GUI_TicTacToe.ino, Touch_TicTacToe.ino
- drawWinnerPlayer() : Touch_TicTacToe.ino