Pervasive Displays Library Suite - Reference Manual 9.0.7
Library for Pervasive Displays e-paper screens, extension boards and development kits
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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAreaArea GUI element
 CBarGraphBar-graph GUI element
 CButtonButton GUI element
 CCheckBoxCheck-box GUI element
 CCursorCursor GUI element
 CKeyboardKeyboard GUI element
 CPlusMinusPlus-minus button GUI element
 CRadioButtonsRadio-buttons GUI element
 CSwitchSwitch GUI element
 CTableTable GUI element
 CTextText GUI element
 CTextBoxTextBox GUI element
 CDRV2605LClass for haptic driver
 CFile_SystemFile system
 CFile_BMPScreen saved as BMP file on SD-card
 CFile_BufferScreen saved as image header file on SD-card
 CFile_FrameScreen saved as raw frame-buffer file on SD-card
 CFile_ImageScreen saved as image header file on SD-card
 CFile_Image16Screen saved as 16-bit image header file on SD-card
 CFile_P4Screen saved as pixmap header file on SD-card
 CFile_PBMScreen saved as PBM pixmap file
 Cfont_sStructure for font
 CfontFlash_sStructure for font, 8 bytes
 ChV_BoardClass for Pervasive Displays EXT3, EXT3.1 and EXT3-Touch, EXT4 extension boards
 CDriver_EPD_VirtualGeneric driver class
 CPervasive_BWRY_SmallBWRY small screens class
 CPervasive_Touch_SmallTouch small screens class
 CPervasive_Wide_LargeMedium screens class
 CPervasive_Wide_MediumWide medium screens class
 CPervasive_Wide_SmallWide small screens class
 ChV_Colours565For 5-6-5 coded colours = 64K colours
 ChV_Screen_BufferGeneric buffered screen class
 CScreen_EPDClass for Pervasive Displays iTC screens
 ChV_Screen_VirtualGeneric screen virtual class
 ChV_Screen_BufferGeneric buffered screen class
 Cimage16_sStructure for 16-bit image
 Cimage_sStructure for image
 CItemItem combines index and text for GUI elements
 CMemoryMemory class
 CmtgDialMeta-class for graphics based on a rounded dial
 CClockClock graphics element
 CGaugeGauge graphics element
 CgPitchPitch graphics element
 CgRollRoll graphics element
 CgYawYaw graphics element
 CmtgPanelMeta-Class for graphics based on a rectangular panel
 CChannelsChannels graphics element
 CHistogramHistogram graphics element
 CMultipleMultiple graphics element
 Cpins_tEXT3 board configuration structure
 CSerial_SystemScreen printed to serial console
 CSerial_BufferScreen printed as header file on Serial console
 CSerial_ImageScreen printed as image header file on Serial console
 CSerial_Image16Screen printed as 16-bit image header file on Serial console
 CSerial_P4Screen printed as pixmap header file on Serial console
 Ctouch_tStructure for touch
 Cwidth_sStructure for character width