Pervasive Displays Library Suite - Reference Manual 9.0.3
Library for Pervasive Displays e-paper screens, extension boards and development kits
CArea | Area GUI element |
CBarGraph | Bar-graph GUI element |
CButton | Button GUI element |
CChannels | Channels graphics element |
CCheckBox | Check-box GUI element |
CClock | Clock graphics element |
Ccoordinates_s | |
CCursor | Cursor GUI element |
CDriver_EPD_BWRY_Small | BWRY small screens class |
CDriver_EPD_Fast_Small | Wide small screens class |
CDriver_EPD_Normal_Large | Normal medium screens class |
CDriver_EPD_Normal_Medium | Normal medium screens class |
CDriver_EPD_Normal_Small | Normal small screens class |
CDriver_EPD_Touch_Small | Touch small screens class |
CDriver_EPD_Virtual | Generic driver class |
CDriver_EPD_Wide_Medium | Wide medium screens class |
CDriver_EPD_Wide_Small | Wide small screens class |
CDRV2605L | Class for haptic driver |
CEPD_FLASH_Class | |
CFile_BMP | Screen saved as BMP file on SD-card |
CFile_Buffer | Screen saved as image header file on SD-card |
CFile_Frame | Screen saved as raw frame-buffer file on SD-card |
CFile_Image | Screen saved as image header file on SD-card |
CFile_Image16 | Screen saved as 16-bit image header file on SD-card |
CFile_P4 | Screen saved as pixmap header file on SD-card |
CFile_PBM | Screen saved as PBM pixmap file |
CFile_System | File system |
Cfont_s | Structure for font |
CfontFlash_s | Structure for font, 8 bytes |
CGauge | Gauge graphics element |
CgPitch | Pitch graphics element |
CGraphics | Graphics |
CgRoll | Roll graphics element |
CgYaw | Yaw graphics element |
CHistogram | Histogram graphics element |
Chsb_s | |
ChV_Board | Class for Pervasive Displays EXT3, EXT3.1 and EXT3-Touch, EXT4 extension boards |
ChV_Colours565 | For 5-6-5 coded colours = 64K colours |
ChV_Screen_Buffer | Generic buffered screen class |
ChV_Screen_Virtual | Generic screen virtual class |
Cimage16_s | Structure for 16-bit image |
Cimage_s | Structure for image |
CItem | Item combines index and text for GUI elements |
CKeyboard | Keyboard GUI element |
Cmeasure_s | |
CMemory | Memory class |
CmtgDial | Meta-class for graphics based on a rounded dial |
CmtgPanel | Meta-Class for graphics based on a rectangular panel |
CMultiple | Multiple graphics element |
CPervasive_BWRY_Small | BWRY small screens class |
CPervasive_Touch_Small | Touch small screens class |
CPervasive_Wide_Medium | Wide medium screens class |
CPervasive_Wide_Small | Wide small screens class |
Cpins_t | EXT3 board configuration structure |
CPlusMinus | Plus-minus button GUI element |
CRadioButtons | Radio-buttons GUI element |
CScreen_EPD | Class for Pervasive Displays iTC screens |
CSerial_Buffer | Screen printed as header file on Serial console |
CSerial_Image | Screen printed as image header file on Serial console |
CSerial_Image16 | Screen printed as 16-bit image header file on Serial console |
CSerial_P4 | Screen printed as pixmap header file on Serial console |
CSerial_System | Screen printed to serial console |
CSwitch | Switch GUI element |
CTable | Table GUI element |
CText | Text GUI element |
CTextBox | TextBox GUI element |
Ctouch_t | Structure for touch |
Cwidth_s | Structure for character width |
Cxyz_i16_ui8_t |