This index lists the features for each edition and provides links to the related pages.
- Getting started
- Basic edition
- Shared libraries
- Common library
- Utilities
- Parameters
- Boards definition
- Screen constants
- Peripherals
- Screen libraries
- Driver
- Screen
- Select the libraries
- Examples
- Functions
- Colours
- Fonts
- Orientation
- Low-power
- Shapes
- Text
- Touch
- Notes and designs
- Technical notes
- Design
- Design an application
- Design a page
- Expand
- Define a non-listed board
- Optimise
- Trace and debug
- Debug the screen SPI signals
- Debug the touch I²C signals
- Debug the sensors I²C signals
- Migrate
- Migrate from Basic to Evaluation or Commercial edition
- Migrate from release 5 to release 6
- Migrate to another SDK
- Migrate from release 6 to release 7
- Migrate from release 7 to release 8
- Migrate from release 8 to release 9
- Manage specific configurations
- Use PDLS with EXT4
- Use two screens
- Use the GUI library with the Basic edition
- Reference designs
- Home automation
- Weather station
- Matter weather station
- Matter RGB LED
- Tic-tac-toe game
- Appendixes
- Legal notice
- Release history
- Used environment
- Glossary
- Getting started
- Commercial edition
- Shared libraries
- Common library
- Utilities
- Parameters
- Boards definition
- Screen constants
- Fonts library
- Fonts as header files
- Fonts from external SPI Flash
- Very large fonts
- Peripherals
- Screen libraries
- Driver
- Screen
- Select the libraries
- Examples
- Functions
- Colours
- Fonts
- Margins
- Orientation
- Low-power
- Shapes
- Text
- Touch
- Application libraries
- Graphics library
- Graphics
- Examples
- Elements
- Channels
- Clock
- Gauge
- Histogram
- Label
- Multiple histogram
- GUI library
- Examples
- Item
- Elements
- Area
- Bar-graph
- Button
- Check-box
- Cursor
- Flip-flop button
- Keyboard
- Label
- Plus-minus combined button
- Radio-buttons
- Switch
- Table
- Text
- Text-box
- Bar- and QR-code library
- Examples
- Elements
- Bar-code type 128
- Bar-code type 39
- QR-code
- File library
- Frame-buffer header file on SD-card
- BMP file on SD-card
- Image on SD-card
- Examples
- Pixmap on SD-card
- Portable pixmap P4 header file on SD-card
- 16-bit image on SD-card
- Buffer on SD-card
- Serial library
- Examples
- Image on console
- Pixmap on console
- 16-bit image on console
- Buffer on serial console
- Notes and designs
- Technical notes
- Manage low-power mode
- Design
- Design an application
- Design a page
- Select the application structure
- Manage constrained resources
- Manage temperature
- Use external SPI SRAM for frame-buffer
- Use external SPI Flash for fonts
- Manage constrained resources
- Use interrupt for low power
- Use GPIO expander
- Expand
- Generate header file from image
- Define a non-listed board
- Upload fonts to external SPI Flash
- Generate new fonts
- Optimise
- Optimise GUI speed
- Optimise update modes
- Trace and debug
- Generate a trace
- Debug the screen SPI signals
- Debug the touch I²C signals
- Debug the sensors I²C signals
- Migrate
- Migrate from Basic to Evaluation or Commercial edition
- Migrate from release 5 to release 6
- Migrate to another SDK
- Migrate from release 6 to release 7
- Migrate from Viewer to Commercial edition and back
- Migrate from release 7 to release 8
- Migrate from release 8 to release 9
- Manage specific configurations
- Use PDLS with EXT4
- Use two screens
- Reference designs
- Home automation
- Air-quality monitoring
- Weather station
- Matter weather station
- Matter RGB LED
- Communication
- Remote images panel
- Typie-walkie device
- Remote messages panel
- Medical equipment
- Electrocardiogram
- Blood pressure monitor
- Security
- Entrance control
- Games
- Tic-tac-toe game
- Appendixes
- Legal notice
- Release history
- Used environment
- Glossary
- Getting started
- Evaluation edition
- Shared libraries
- Common library
- Utilities
- Parameters
- Boards definition
- Screen constants
- Fonts library
- Fonts as header files
- Very large fonts
- Peripherals
- Screen libraries
- Driver
- Screen
- Select the libraries
- Examples
- Functions
- Colours
- Fonts
- Margins
- Orientation
- Low-power
- Shapes
- Text
- Touch
- Application libraries
- Graphics library
- Graphics
- Examples
- Elements
- Channels
- Clock
- Gauge
- Histogram
- Label
- Multiple histogram
- GUI library
- Examples
- Item
- Elements
- Area
- Bar-graph
- Button
- Check-box
- Cursor
- Flip-flop button
- Keyboard
- Label
- Plus-minus combined button
- Radio-buttons
- Switch
- Table
- Text
- Text-box
- Bar- and QR-code library
- Examples
- Elements
- Bar-code type 128
- Bar-code type 39
- QR-code
- Serial library
- Examples
- Image on console
- Pixmap on console
- 16-bit image on console
- Buffer on serial console
- Notes and designs
- Technical notes
- Manage low-power mode
- Design
- Design an application
- Design a page
- Select the application structure
- Manage temperature
- Use interrupt for low power
- Expand
- Generate header file from image
- Define a non-listed board
- Optimise
- Optimise GUI speed
- Optimise update modes
- Trace and debug
- Generate a trace
- Debug the screen SPI signals
- Debug the touch I²C signals
- Debug the sensors I²C signals
- Migrate
- Migrate from Basic to Evaluation or Commercial edition
- Migrate from release 5 to release 6
- Migrate from release 6 to release 7
- Migrate from release 7 to release 8
- Migrate from release 8 to release 9
- Manage specific configurations
- Use PDLS with EXT4
- Use two screens
- Reference designs
- Home automation
- Air-quality monitoring
- Weather station
- Matter weather station
- Matter RGB LED
- Communication
- Remote images panel
- Typie-walkie device
- Remote messages panel
- Medical equipment
- Electrocardiogram
- Blood pressure monitor
- Security
- Entrance control
- Games
- Tic-tac-toe game
- Appendixes
- Legal notice
- Release history
- Used environment
- Glossary
- Getting started
- Viewer edition
- Shared libraries
- Common library
- Utilities
- Parameters
- Boards definition
- Screen constants
- Fonts library
- Fonts as header files
- Very large fonts
- Screen libraries
- Driver
- Screen
- Select the libraries
- Examples
- Functions
- Colours
- Fonts
- Margins
- Orientation
- Shapes
- Text
- Touch
- Viewer
- Viewer commands
- Viewer functions
- Application libraries
- Graphics library
- Graphics
- Examples
- Elements
- Channels
- Clock
- Gauge
- Histogram
- Label
- Multiple histogram
- GUI library
- Examples
- Item
- Elements
- Area
- Bar-graph
- Button
- Check-box
- Cursor
- Flip-flop button
- Keyboard
- Label
- Plus-minus combined button
- Radio-buttons
- Switch
- Table
- Text
- Text-box
- Bar- and QR-code library
- Examples
- Elements
- Bar-code type 128
- Bar-code type 39
- QR-code
- File library
- Frame-buffer header file on SD-card
- BMP file on SD-card
- Image on SD-card
- Examples
- Pixmap on SD-card
- Portable pixmap P4 header file on SD-card
- 16-bit image on SD-card
- Buffer on SD-card
- Serial library
- Examples
- Image on console
- Pixmap on console
- 16-bit image on console
- Buffer on serial console
- Notes and designs
- Technical notes
- Design
- Design an application
- Design a page
- Select the application structure
- Manage temperature
- Expand
- Generate header file from image
- Generate new fonts
- Optimise
- Optimise GUI speed
- Trace and debug
- Migrate
- Migrate from release 6 to release 7
- Migrate from Viewer to Commercial edition and back
- Migrate from release 7 to release 8
- Migrate from release 8 to release 9
- Manage specific configurations
- Reference designs
- Home automation
- Air-quality monitoring
- Weather station
- Matter weather station
- Matter RGB LED
- Communication
- Remote images panel
- Typie-walkie device
- Remote messages panel
- Medical equipment
- Electrocardiogram
- Blood pressure monitor
- Security
- Entrance control
- Games
- Tic-tac-toe game
- Appendixes
- Legal notice
- Release history
- Used environment
- Glossary