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Define a non-listed board

This procedure explains how to define a non-listed board.

If the hV_List_Boards header file does not include the configuration of a main controller board, it needs to be defined.

  • Create a variable with the pins_t structure;

  • Set the pins of the connected GPIOs, or specify NOT_CONNECTED otherwise;

  • Mention this variable to the screen constructor.

const pins_t myBoard =
    .panelBusy = 11, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 3 Red
    .panelDC = 12, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 4 Orange
    .panelReset = 13, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 5 Yellow
    .flashCS = 18, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 8 Violet
    .panelCS = 19, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 9 Grey
    .panelCSS = 39, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 12 Grey2
    .flashCSS = 38, ///< EXT3 and EXT3.1 pin 20 Black2
    .touchInt = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 3 Red
    .touchReset = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< EXT3-Touch pin 4 Orange
    .panelPower = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Optional power circuit
    .cardCS = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board
    .cardDetect = NOT_CONNECTED, ///< Separate SD-card board

// Driver
#include "Pervasive_Wide_Small.h"
Pervasive_Wide_Small myDriver(eScreen_EPD_271_KS_09, myBoard);

// Screen
#include "PDLS_Advanced.h"
Screen_EPD myScreen(&myDriver);

The EXT3, EXT3.1 and EXT4 extension boards share the same first ten pins. The other pins are specific.


The EXT4 extension board requires the panelPower in pin 20, as the power control circuit is normally off.

See also